An op-ed by Karen Leonard, anthropology professor and acting department chair, is featured in the Los Angeles Times and Hartford Courant December 21, 2010
Susan Greenhalgh, anthropology professor, is featured in the Wall Street Journal January 2, 2011
An op-ed by Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is featured in the New York Times December 13, 2010
An op-ed co-authored by a number of UCI social sciences scholars is featured in the Huffington Post December 8, 2010
Honored at annual UC Irvine Institute for Clinical & Translational Science Chancellor's Community Health Awards Dinner
Jan Chipchase, IMTFI researcher, and Bill Maurer, anthropology professor and chair and IMTFI director, are featured in Fortune November 29, 2010
Rachel Klemek, anthropology '91, smuggles healthy ingredients — and attitude — into her Blackmarket Bakery goods
Recipient of the 2010-11 Reza Zarif and Rufina Paniego Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Anthropology
Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is featured in the Hartford Courant November 8, 2010
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