During the academic year, the department organizes a variety of colloquium events,
for which it typically brings in outside speakers. All events are open to anyone who
wants to attend. These events are an excellent opportunity to be inspired by what
others are doing, learn about the state of the anthropology, and interact with influential
researchers from across the world. The following colloquia events will count toward
your Anthropology Certificate requirements, unless otherwise stated. To receive email
announcements with up to date details regarding the colloquium series and department
events, please sign up here.
- November 3, 2014
- 12:00pm - 1:30pm
- Humanities Gateway, Room 3341
- Dédé Oetomo, Activist, GAYa NUSANTARA
- October 27, 2014
- 6:00pm - 8:00pm
- UCI Student Center, Crystal Cove Auditorium
- UCI, Stanford, UCSF and University of Hawaii Faculty Experts
- October 8, 2014
- 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway (SBSG) #3323, UC Irvine
- Max Haiven & Eduard de Jong, moderated by Bill Maurer, Social Sciences Dean
- October 4, 2014
- 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Humanities Instructional Building (HIB), Room 135
- Arash Sobhani, Lead Singer, Kiosk and Roxanne Varzi, Professor, Anthropology, UCI
- October 2, 2014
- 7:00am
- September 29, 2014
- 7:00am
- September 29, 2014 - October 1, 2014
- 7:00am - 10:00pm
- June 15, 2014
- 3:00pm
- UCI Bren Events Center
- Kevin Wang, Economics and Political Science Undergraduate
- June 15, 2014
- 12:00pm
- UCI Bren Events Center
- Sasha Sabherwal, International Studies, Political Science and Women's Studies Undergraduate
- June 7, 2014
- 3:30pm
- UCI Bren Events Center
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