Purchasing Procedures:

Books, computer supplies, phone lines, and any type of equipment, etc, must be purchased through the Department. In order to process your order as quickly as possible, please click here to access a PO order form. Input your information and email it to Cory Hodges at hodgesc@uci.edu. If you would like to purchase an item from amazon, you may include the link to your product when you email the PO.  Please note, membership/journal submissions and electronic kindle books that require a membership login may be paid for out of pocket and submitted to the department for reimbursement.

Per UC policy, any employee who buys goods without Low Value Purchase Authority is making an unauthorized purchase. As a public entity, UCI requires certain protocols and approvals are in place for all purchase transactions. Using personal funds to circumvent protocols to acquire goods and services is not acceptable unless it is a business emergency.

Any type of purchasing for services (with the exception of book editing, which can be paid by a PO) must have a service agreement in place. Please click here to access a description of services form and submit to the Anthropology staff.

Please let the Anthropology Staff know if you have any questions about this process.


Reimbursement Policies and Procedures:

 Entertainment Reimbursement:

Please submit your receipts (which must include proof of payment and an itemized receipt), a numbered attendee list (including names and UCI email addresses), and the account number that you wish to use. This information can be submitted electronically - you may take a photo of your meal receipts and submit electronically along with the numbered event list and account number. Please note the meal maximum allowed expenses, located here: http://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/entertainment/meal-maximum.html. We are not able to reimburse you for any reason over the allotted per person amount.

Membership or Journal Submissions:

You may purchase memberships or journal submissions that require personal login information, and send the receipt (and proof of payment) with the account that you wish to be reimbursed from. You may also email the invoice to Department Staff and they will prepare a PO and renew for you, paying directly from your UCI account.


Travel Reimbursements: 

You may turn in hard copies of receipts and backup documentation or email them. Please specify which account you are using for the reimbursement.

Flights - for booking business travel with time or layovers that include personal travel, please see instructions below. Flights using Federal Funds from federal grants must be booked on an American air carrier. For more info on the Fly America Act, please visit this website: http://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/book/fly-america.html

Flight reimbursements can be processed before your trip. Please submit your flight receipt that shows proof of payment, ticket number, airport codes/time of flights, and back up documentation of the reason for your flight.

Flights can not be purchased for other individuals, co-authors, etc. Please see Department Staff for guidance on flights for others.

 Lodging and Per Diem - The daily maximum for lodging is $275 per night (before taxes and fees - effective Oct. 15, 2017), and you will be reimbursed according to the University of California's Meal and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) guideline for meals. If your trip is outside of the US or longer than 30 days, you may request a per diem to cover lodging and meal expenses. Please review the back up documentation requirements and calculate your per diem before going on your trip by visiting this website: http://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/reimbursement/per-diem.html

Booking business travel that includes personal travel:

When booking travel for UCI business that includes any type of personal travel time, you must provide the department with an airfare comparison. This airfare comparison must be made on the same date as your actual booking, and must be based on the same airlines and schedule, but should only include your actual business travel dates.

If you are unsure on how to obtain this comparison please email Cory Hodges at hodgesc@uci.edu with your airfare receipt on the same day as your purchase or stop by the staff offices before you make the purchase.

If a comparison is not processed correctly or obtained on the day of your airfare purchase, we cannot guarantee that you will be reimbursed the correct amount.

Based on the UC G-28 Travel Regulations: The reimbursement of expenses shall be limited to the actual costs incurred or the charges that would have been incurred via a usually traveled route, whichever is less. The cost comparison should be based on what UC would have paid.


For faculty travel away from the University for 7 days or longer, please complete a UC-AP-76 form (click here) and submit to the Department Manager.

Travel Insurance

It is very important for you to register for travel insurance when you plan to travel on official university business. Registration is required for business trips out of state and to foreign countries. This insurance will cover you for a wide variety of accidents and incidents while you are away from campus. If you booked your trip through Connexxus, you will automatically be enrolled in the travel insurance program. However, if you made other travel arrangements, you must complete the traveler registration form.

It is very quick and easy for you to register for UC traveler insurance coverage. Please go to the website below, click on "Register your Trip" and fill out your travel details:


Please note: Coverage can also be provided to a spouse/domestic partner, dependent(s), and traveling companions when traveling with them; their travel should be registered.


UCI Corporate Travel Card:

A corporate travel card is an individualized Visa charge card used primarily for UCI travel expenses. Any travel related expense can be charged to the UCI Corporate Travel card such as airline tickets, hotel reservations, conference registrations, car rentals, and even meals. The credit account is based on an individual's own credit worthiness, but it offers useful benefits. When using your corporate card and submitting for reimbursement, please notify the staff that the expenses were charged on your corporate card. This allows the reimbursement to be sent directly to pay the charge on the card. For further information, please visit this website: http://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/before/travel-card.html